ecapitation or Incineration:
A study regarding methods of necroambulate
Long has it been posited that the only method of eliminating the threat
of a re-animated corpse through biological or chemical
means (for the purposesof this article, these subjects will be referred to here after
as "necroambulates", the walking
dead) is the severing of the spinal cord. While some scientists feel that this is still the best way of
disposing of these
creatures, including, I will disclose, the very
academy of which I am a member, I submit to you that decapitation of
corpses may not be enough.
While some may regard my suggestion as scientific heresy and
suicide, I feel that a reasoned study of the evidence at hand will
vindicate my somewhat radical assertion.
In the text Return of the
Living Dead (O'Bannon, 1985), the first corpse seen to have been
re-animated by the introduction
of trioxin vapors (hereafter referred to
as the "Yellow Man"), attacks Frank, Burt and Freddy in an attempt to
the pain of being dead by consuming their brains. While saving
themselves from certain doom at the hands (and teeth) of
the Yellow Man,
it is stated that the way to dispose of a necroambulate is to cut off
it's head.
This led to the widely believed theory that severing the spinal
cord will eliminate the re-animated property of the corpse,
making it effectively "re-dead". This hypothesis is, however
proven to
be false when put to the test. The Yellow Man continues to wreak havoc
even without his head, which acts independently
of the body even secured
to the floor with a pickaxe, screaming for brains all along. More
evidence of this can be seen
in the case of the mounted split dogs, who
are shown to have been re-animated despite the fact that their spinal
had to have been sliced in half (albeit lengthwise) in the
process of turning the canine cadavers into veterinary instruction
When the Yellow Man's component parts (still very much
active, and
still very much a threat as Ernie Kaltenbruner's pants leg would no
doubt attest) are burned, the threat
of the Yellow Man is eliminated.
This, I believe, proves my theory which, in essence is "burning is
better". The residual
problem is, however, one of more magnitude. How
can a necroambulate be burned in a contained environment whereby the
fumes will not cause the re-animation of more corpses as shown
in the text? I propose the establishment of a national chain
necroambulate containment, study and disposal centers where these
re-animated corpses may be taken for proper disposal,
and the resulting
gases may be captured and possibly rendered inert. Some may feel that
my proposal is over-reaction,
but to them I would state that we have
already seen the effects of improper necroambulate disposal, and these
are serious ones, indeed.